Why I Unfollowed Someone on Medium

Cookie's Corner
4 min readApr 24, 2023


How to recognize the subtle signs of toxicity.

Toxic culture has become a pervasive issue in modern society. It can be found in many different settings, from workplaces to social media to educational institutions. Its effects can be devastating, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and burnout.

Photo by Simran Sood on Unsplash

In my case, as a relatively new writer on Medium I appreciate any likes, comments or follows and want to share all the positive energy I can. One day I followed a writer who I wanted to support because I related to them. Did I plan to read every single one of their articles? No. Did I want to support them anyways? Yes. They came and showed love for one of my stories which then led me to check out their posts and I decided to support them in return.

The next day they posted an article about why they don’t do follows for follows and why other writers shouldn’t either. Perhaps it was unfortunate timing, but as I read through the rationale for their opinion I not only disagreed but realized how prevalent toxic ways of thinking have become in today’s society. To summarize, because their follower count didn’t result in more reading time they deduced that the follows they were receiving were insincere. That since there was no way they could read every article of someone they followed that they would only follow those whose content they wanted to read a lot of — and if they felt like that writer was smarter than them. Now I could understand being interested in a writer’s existing content, but how can we tell if someone is smarter than us by just a handful of posts? There is also no guarantee that a writer’s content will remain consistent over time or vice versa. I followed to support someone who represented a group that usually struggles to get attention and wanted to acknowledge the effort they were putting into making a living for themselves. And the more followers and engagement a writer has, the more Medium knows to suggest your content to other readers who may not have discovered you otherwise.

It wasn’t charity, it was solidarity.

Nonetheless, it was disappointing to see that this person in deciding to rebel against follow for follow culture fell victim to a different trap: toxic culture.

What is Toxic Culture?

Toxic culture refers to an environment that is harmful, negative, and often abusive. It is characterized by a lack of trust, respect, and empathy. This type of culture can be found in any group setting, including schools, workplaces, and online communities. Toxic culture can manifest in many ways, such as bullying, harassment, and discrimination.

Causes of Toxic Culture

There are many factors that contribute to the spread of toxic culture. One of the most significant is the normalization of abusive behavior. When people see others engaging in harmful behaviors, they may come to believe that it is acceptable. In addition, the pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations can lead to a lack of individuality and a culture of groupthink.

Social media has also played a significant role in the spread of toxic culture. The anonymity of the internet can make people feel emboldened to engage in harmful behaviors that they might not engage in face-to-face. Social media algorithms can also amplify toxic behavior, as they are designed to prioritize content that generates engagement, regardless of its impact on users.

Effects of Toxic Culture

The effects of toxic culture can be far-reaching and profound. In the workplace, toxic culture can lead to increased turnover, decreased productivity, and a loss of talent. In schools, it can lead to lower academic performance, increased absenteeism, and mental health issues.

Individuals who are subjected to toxic culture may experience a range of negative emotions, including stress, anxiety, and depression. They may also develop physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and stomach problems.

In this case I could see how that writer may be dealing with a bit of insecurity by assuming that followers were not really interested in their content. It reminds me of a not seeing the forest through the trees mentality as follows are free and it still takes effort to follow someone and despite them not reading as much as one would hope it should still be appreciated. We forget sometimes that people are mostly always doing their best at any given time.

Reducing Toxic Culture

The first step in addressing toxic culture is to recognize its existence. By recognizing its existence, understanding its causes, and taking steps to combat it, we can create a healthier and more positive culture for everyone. And speaking up when we witness harmful behavior (even the most subtle), we can help to create a culture of accountability. Additionally, seeking support from trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals can also be beneficial. It is up to all of us to do our part in creating a more supportive and empathetic society.

I do my best by enforcing my boundaries and putting good energy out into the world, no matter the result. In this situation I unfollowed this writer as I truly only want to support those also putting good energy out into the world and leading by example. I do still wish them well though and know there’s an audience for every single one of us on here.

Zeena is a former Fortune 500 executive turned certified life and wellness coach and Founder of Jet Set Coaching & Wellness and Jet Set Wellness Goods. She believes all of us can win and wants to help people live their most fulfilled lives.

Check her out in this upcoming webinar and stay in touch by signing up here.

You can also check her out on YouTube, Pinterest & TikTok: CaliforniaZee.

